My workshops are based on a unique set of embodiment exercises that take inspiration from the Michael Chekhov technique of acting, and the work of Ruella Frank, a New York based Gestalt psychotherapist and teacher. These exercises create anchors, stability and awareness, and are of great benefit to therapists, teachers and performers to deepen self-knowledge, confidence and authentic power.

Embodied Presence and the Therapist-Client Relationship

With Louise O’Dwyer

An embodiment workshop that experiments with the intimacy of contact in relational therapy. 

Come and explore presence to self and other in this embodiment workshop. Together we will play with a set of gestures that invite presence, authenticity and intimacy.  Deepen your sense of awareness and capacity for presence to self and other, and develop your ability to perceive the embodied states of your clients.

The fundamental movements that occur between people when making contact can be experienced through embodying physical gestures.  In this experimental workshop, we will explore these movements individually, in pairs and through some demonstrations and group discussions. We will link our explorations with Gestalt theory and discuss ways in which we can develop our sense of our client’s kinaesthetic experiences.


“When we therapists heighten awareness of our own sensing and moving experience, we kinaesthetically attune to the therapy relationship as it develops.  In other words, we sense and include the other person in our experience.  As we expand our potential for awareness and movement, we open to possibilities for growth and change in all our relationships.” – Ruella Frank

Louise is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and a group therapy facilitator.  She is also a Michael Chekhov trained actor and a qualified teacher.  Her workshops are a unique physical exploration of making contact as a way of heightening self-awareness and deepening relational attunement.

She is interested in the intersections of creative expression and intimacy, connection and freedom, playfulness and depth, creative indifference and commitment. 


Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to move freely and have fun!

for more information contact me on 0434 551 946 or email me at

Intimacy and solitude: exploring relationships in group therapy 

A gestalt approach

Commencing February 28 

A 10-week program that explores our relationship with self, others and the world we live in.


Lygon Therapy

622 Lygon Street

Carlton North

Intimacy is vital to our wellbeing. A knowledgeable, nurturing relationship with our self is what makes intimacy with others possible. Each of us needs to find a delicate, shifting balance between being available to others and true to ourselves. 

This program is designed to support the development of your personal awareness, find greater 'choicefulness' in responding to the world, and build confidence and vitality in your interactions with others. While joining a group may seem intimidating, group therapy offers unique benefits that individual therapy cannot. Our experience shows that group members are often pleasantly surprised by how rewarding group interactions can be. 

A group can provide a valuable support network and sounding board. Members offer insightful feedback and support in tackling difficult situations or life challenges. The group can hold you accountable to your goals. Regularly sharing and listening to others also puts our problems into perspective and reminds us that we are not alone. 

People come from different backgrounds and have unique perspectives on situations. By seeing how others approach problems and manage their own patterns, you can discover a range of effective strategies for facing your own. 


Fee | $825 for the 10 sessions. GST included.